Interested in dual enrollment options? Please make plans to attend one of our spring information sessions! Sessions are held in person at WCC, along with our two offsite locations in Galax (Crossroads) and Marion (Henderson). Sessions are also held via Zoom.
Information sessions are for any students and/or families.
Please follow this link to register.
Need to schedule a 30-minute appointment with the Coordinator of Dual Enrollment? Dates and times can be found below:
The Class of 2020 and Class of 2023 Dual Enrollment Surveys have now closed.
Thank you very much for your interest!
Surveys were recently administered to the Class of 2020 and Class of 2023. Please visit the following link for more information about survey details and answers.
Students who wish to begin their collegiate careers in high school have the ability to take dual enrollment courses as part of their individual pathways. Wytheville Community College greatly welcomes students who meet college-level requirements that support individual opportunities for advancement and rigor within the higher education realm.
During the 2023-24 school year, over 900 dual enrollment students completed college credit in over 300 unique offerings.
Secondary School
Dual enrollment courses at each school are taught by credentialed high-school faculty. Each high-school faculty member must go through a formal credentialing process. The process is reviewed and certified by WCC prior to dual enrollment courses being offered to any qualifying student.
Tuition charges, if applicable, are paid to the individual school. These charges are a fraction of the normal tuition/fee costs. Course calendars reflect each individual school system calendar, while the Dual Enrollment Coordinator provides specific add, drop, and withdrawal dates to all students, counselors, and administrators at the beginning of each semester. Dates for each school system can be found below.
Bland County
Carroll County
Galax City
Grace Christian Academy
Grayson County
Oak Hill Academy
Smyth County
Wythe County
Dual enrollment students who take courses taught by a WCC instructor during any semester will pay the normal tuition/fee costs. Tuition/fee costs for the current school year. In addition to tuition/fee costs, students must obtain a principal permission letter for these independent WCC courses. Course calendars reflect the approved WCC academic calendar. The 2024-25 WCC academic calendar can be found here.
Concurrent Awards
As part of House Bill 1184, students can now work towards concurrent awards as part of their high-school diploma track. WCC offers concurrent pathways for the Uniform Certificate of General Studies (30-32 credits), along with the Associate of Science degrees in Business Administration (62 credits), Science (62 credits), Social Science (63 credits), and the Social Science with CIS Specialization (62 credits).
More information on these pathways can be found under the Concurrent Awards link on the left-hand side of this page. It is important that students considering these concurrent awards meet with the Dual Enrollment Coordinator during their freshman and/or sophomore years to verify that these choices work towards individual pathways and educational goals before beginning any program.
In order for students to receive dual enrollment consideration, an active Virginia Community College System application must be completed. The online application takes about 10-15 minutes for completion and can be accessed here.
On the initial application page, students must enter a temporary username and password to gain access into the application stage. Following completion of the application, students will receive a seven-digit student ID number (also known as an EmplID), along with their My.WCC username (usually, the individual student’s initials and a random number) and a temporary password (a randomly generated case-sensitive set of letters, numbers, and/or characters).
NOTE: If students have already activated an application, the application page will stop after the first page – indicating that an active application is already in use. If this happens, please contact the Dual Enrollment Coordinator regarding ID and password retrieval.
It is highly advised that students log into their My.WCC account upon application completion, especially since the temporary password is only good for 30 days. The Dual Enrollment Coordinator can also help reset any expired passwords. Additionally, students need to become familiar with their My.WCC account as part of dual enrollment – including Canvas usage, research options, email, Office 365 downloads, and much more.
Following application completion, students will then be evaluated for dual enrollment course eligibility via grade-point average. If students are not eligible via GPA, applicable placement tests in English and/or Mathematics may be scheduled. Additionally, students can receive exemption in one or both examinations depending on ACT, PSAT, and/or SAT scores. Dual enrollment eligibility will depend on the courses being taken through either the school and/or independently with WCC.
Admission Criteria of Transfer Courses - Eligible Transfer Courses
Admission Criteria for Career and Technical Education (CTE) Courses - Eligible CTE Courses
Criteria for Participation in Dual Enrollment
Private, Public, and Homeschool juniors and seniors who meet each of the following criteria may register in college-level credit-bearing courses:
- The student submits an Application for Admission.
- The student is a rising public or private high school junior or senior, or homeschool student studying at the high school junior or senior level.
- The high school student has permission of the principal or designee, and the parent.
- The homeschool student has permission of the parent.
The student demonstrates readiness for each college-level credit-bearing course in which they want to enroll. High school and homeschool students are not eligible to enroll in developmental or direct placement co-requisite English and Math courses. In demonstrating readiness, a student must meet one of the criteria established for each type of course in which they want to be registered:
Course Type
High School Transcript*
Transfer** Courses (except Math) Current cumulative high school GPA of 3.0 or higher or ERW score of 480 or higher or
ERW score of 390 or higher or
18 or higher on both English and Writing subject area tests or
Placement into ENG 111 Career and Technical*** Courses (except Math) Current cumulative high school GPA of 2.0 or higher or
ERW score of 480 or higher or
ERW score of 390 or higher or
18 or higher on both English and Writing subject area tests or
Placement into ENF 1 or higher MTH 101-133 Current cumulative high school GPA of 3.0 or higher and a 2.0 (C) grade or higher in high school math course or
ERW score of 480 or higher Math score of 530 or higher or
ERW score 390 or higher and math score of 500 or higher or
22 or higher on Math subject area test or
Placement in MTH 111 or higher (Satisfaction of MTE 1-3) MTH 154,155 Current cumulative high school GPA of 3.0 or higher and a 2.0 (C) grade or higher in a high school math course or
ERW score of 480 or higher and Math score of 530 or higher or
ERW score of 390 or higher and math score of 500 or higher or
22 or higher on Math subject area test or
Placement in MTH 154 or higher (Satisfaction of MTE 1-5) MTH 161,167
Individual colleges may establish criteria for direct placement into calculus or other high level math course
Current cumulative high school GPA of 3.0 or higher and a 2.0 (C) grade or higher in Algebra 2 or in a higher level math course or
ERW score of 480 or higher and Math score of 530 or higher or
N/A or
22 or higher on Math subject area test or
Placement into MTH 161 or higher (Satisfaction of MTE 1-9)
*Cumulative GPA may be weighted or unweighted and may be self-reported.
**A transfer course is any course that a college offers and will transcript in fulfillment of the requirements for a Degree or Certificate that is designed to transfer (e.g., AA, AS, AA&S, AFA, Uniform Certificate of General Studies).
***A career and technical course is any course that the college offers and will transcript in fulfillment of the requirements for degrees and certificates that are not designed for transfer (e.g., AAS, Certificate, Career Studies Certificates).
- In addition to meeting the eligibility criteria above, a dual enrollment student must meet all course pre/corequisites as listed in the VCCS Master Course File and established by the college at which the student is enrolled in the course.
Dual enrollment is restricted to rising high school juniors and seniors and home school students studying at the high school junior or senior levels. Admitting high school or home school students below the junior or senior level is considered exceptional. The college-ready status of each prospective student below the junior or senior high school level shall be assessed on a case-by-case basis. Such students must meet the above eligibility criteria and any other criteria as may be established by the college for participation of students below the junior or senior level in dual enrollment. Colleges shall have criteria and procedures for the case-by-case assessment of such students. Formal approval by the college president, or designee, is required for applicants who are below the junior or senior high school level to participate in dual enrollment.
Dual Enrollment Permission Form – 2024-2025
(for homeschool and secondary school students)
Each school division will have personalized forms featuring specific course offerings on hand as you return for Open Houses in lieu of the upcoming school year. However, students and families can download a blank copy here. Please note that one completed permission form is good for fall, spring, and summer semesters (if applicable). All courses can be included on one form.
Completed parent/guardian permission forms are required for course enrollment. The Coordinator of Dual Enrollment will not enroll a student who lacks a completed permission form. Forms must be completed and returned to the individual school within the add/drop period, or students will not be added. This includes signatures from both the student and one parent/guardian.
Homeschooled students will need to return a completed form to the Coordinator of Dual Enrollment. Additionally, a letter of approval from the school division or local school board showing approval of respective homeschool instruction is required.
2024-25 WCC Dual Enrollment Course Listings
This document shows all current dual enrollment course offerings for the 2024-25 academic year. Please note that this list is subject to change at any time, plus not all courses are available in each school division. Students and families should contact their college/guidance counselor for more clarification regarding individual school division opportunities.
Additional Prerequisites
Wait, there’s more? Yes. Even if a student has succeeded in placement testing and/or exemptions, specific courses – certainly not all – require additional prerequisites. Most are higher-level courses requiring 100-level completions.
2024-25 Dual Enrollment Student Handbook
In addition to summarizing much of the information on this website, this handbook also includes (but not limited to) the following:
- Academic advising
- Academic calendar (including dropping classes – normal and ‘W’ drops)
- Academic integrity
- Disability services (including ADA compliance)
- FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) overview
- My.WCC log-in information and main menu (including Canvas, Gmail, Library Services, SIS, and the Virginia Education Wizard)
- Possible financial aid impacts
- Student learning resources and services
- Transcript requests
- Transfer options
ALL dual enrollment and homeschool students will receive a copy of this important handbook.
Wytheville Community College welcomes all homeschooled students who wish to continue their educational goals through college coursework while earning their respective diplomas. Homeschooled students must complete the regular application process and meet placement qualifications.
In addition to the aforementioned items, a letter designating homeschooled status from the local county/city school board must be received by the Dual Enrollment Coordinator prior to course enrollment.
Additionally, homeschooled students and their families pay the same normal tuition/fee costs for courses taught by WCC faculty as do secondary school students.
Under House Bill 1184 (passed in 2012), dual enrollment students can work towards either the Uniform Certificate of General Studies (UCGS) and/or one of several Associate Degree programs concurrent with earning their high-school diplomas.
Pathways are established annually per school division and shared with individual schools – along with students and families. These pathways help map out the process by which these aforementioned credentials can be achieved during high school.
Dual enrollment students wishing to complete these credentials must complete a signed declaration form within their guidance office. This form is then shared with the Dual Enrollment Coordinator, who will track respective progress each semester.
For any coursework being completed inside the school, the guidance counselor and/or director will schedule classes. For any specific WCC coursework relating to either the certificate or degree, the Dual Enrollment Coordinator will schedule classes.
Bland County
- Uniform Certificate of General Studies
- A.S. in Social Science
- A.S. in Social Science - CIS Specialization
- A.S. in Science
Carroll County
- Uniform Certificate of General Studies
- A.S. in Business Administration
- A.S. in Social Science
- A.S. in Social Science - CIS Specialization
- A.S. in Science
Galax City
- Uniform Certificate of General Studies
- A.S. in Business Administration
- A.S. in Social Science
- A.S. in Social Science - CIS Specialization
- A.S. in Science
Grayson County
- Uniform Certificate of General Studies
- A.S. in Social Science
- A.S. in Social Science - CIS Specialization
- A.S. in Science
Oak Hill Academy
Smyth County (Marion Senior High School)
- Uniform Certificate of General Studies
- A.S. in Business Administration
- A.S. in Social Science
- A.S. in Social Science - CIS Specialization
- A.S. in Science
Wythe County (Fort Chiswell High School)
- Uniform Certificate of General Studies
- A.S. in Business Administration
- A.S. in Social Science
- A.S. in Social Science - CIS Specialization
- A.S. in Science
Wythe County (George Wythe High School and Rural Retreat High School)
Josh Floyd, Dual Enrollment Coordinator
(276) 223-4110 – Office
(276) 613-3639 – Text/Mobile – Email
(276) 223-4861 – Fax
Facebook: Wytheville Community College Dual Enrollment
Instagram: @wythevilleccdualenrollment
Twitter: @WCC_DualEnroll
For students taking courses at one of our secondary schools, the first point of contact should be the guidance counselor and/or director. For students taking courses at one of our technical centers, the first point of contact should be the school administrator.
Bland County High School
Rachel Gray - Counselor
(276) 928-1100
Carroll County High School
Larissa Brady – Director
Donna DeHaven – Counselor
(276) 728-2125
Fort Chiswell High School
Carey Rocha - Counselor
(276) 637-3437
Galax High School
Kevie Ayers – Director
Emily Guynn – Counselor
(276) 236-2991
George Wythe High School
Melissa Dalton – Counselor
Gregory Taylor - Counselor
(276) 228-3157
Grayson County High School
Angel Halsey – Counselor
Tinsel Bomberger - Counselor
(276) 773-2131
Marion Senior High School
Julie Looney – Counselor
Kelly Schwartz - Counselor
(276) 783-4731
Oak Hill Academy
Haley Lee - Counselor
(276) 579-2619
Rural Retreat High School
M.J. Fogelsong – Counselor
(276) 686-4143
Wythe Technology Center
Summer Stone – Principal
(276) 228-5481
DE Instructor Handbook 2024-2025
DE Administrator and Counselor Handbook 2024-25
The main dual enrollment handbooks for all school administrators, counselors, and dual enrollment instructors.
Fall Semester Course Request Form – 2025
Spring Semester Course Request Form – 2025
Counselors should submit forms outlining dual enrollment course offerings (including blocks, times, and number of offerings) to the Coordinator of Dual Enrollment by May 17 (fall) and Dec. 17 (spring).
Incomplete Grade Form
Instructors with students qualifying for an incomplete should complete this form and return to the Coordinator of Dual Enrollment prior to the end of each semester. More information on WCC’s incomplete grade policy.
Intent to Earn an Associate Degree and/or a Certificate of General Education
Students wishing to declare for either the associate degree and/or the General Education Certificate must complete this form with a counselor. Counselors should return this to the Coordinator of Dual Enrollment. Students should declare during the latter part of their sophomore year in order to meet proper pathway progression.
2024-25 WCC Dual Enrollment Add/Drop Form – BLANK
Students will complete this form during fall and spring registrations at individual schools with the Coordinator of Dual Enrollment. Students who drop courses will need to complete one with their guidance counselor. Counselors should notify the Coordinator of Dual Enrollment immediately about any course drops.
2024-2025 Dual Enrollment Form – Administrator's Signature (WCC courses)
This form is required for students who take courses with a WCC instructor and not through dual enrollment means. The principal of each school must approve of this course before the Coordinator of Dual Enrollment takes this form to the College President for final review/decision.
2024-25 Dual Enrollment New Course Request Form
This form is for any new courses and/or any new dual enrollment instructors entering the credentialing process. The Coordinator of Dual Enrollment will notify schools and school systems on additional items needed for credentialing reviews.
Credentialing for New Dual Enrollment Instructors
Interested in becoming credentialed to teach dual enrollment courses? Please review the above link for more information and steps on how to start the process.
Wytheville Community College does not discriminate on the basis of race (or traits historically associated with race including hair texture, hair type, and protective hairstyles such as braids, locks, and twists);, sex, color, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, political affiliation, genetics, veteran status, pregnancy or childbirth, or disability when the person is otherwise qualified in its educational programs and activities or employment. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies: Malinda Eversole, Director of Human Resources, 105 Carroll Hall, 1000 East Main Street, Wytheville VA 24382, 276-223-4869. For further information, see the list of OCR enforcement offices for the address and phone number of the office that serves your area, or call 1-800-421-3481.